Home Virtual Reality The productivity brought by Clojure

The productivity brought by Clojure

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The productivity brought by Clojure

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This slides explains why Clojure programming language brings productivity to programmer from the perspectives of:

1. REPL-driven development

2. Immutable data structure

3. Composable functions

4. Immutable database

  1. 1.
    The productivity
    brought by Clojure
    Laurence Chen

  2. 2.

    Motivation behind this talk
    ● 2019 Stackoverflow survey: Clojure programmers get highest salary
    ● But, in Taiwan
    You will find no job if you tell your boss that you want to use Clojure.

  3. 3.

    Most important reasons to love Clojure from survey
    ● Lisp & REPL-driven development
    ● Immutable data structures/Functional programming
    ● JVM & Java interoperation

  4. 4.

    Part One
    ● Clojure is a dialect of Lisp
    ● REPL-driven development

  5. 5.


  6. 6.

    Lisp is a family of programming languages
    1. CommonLisp
    2. Scheme
    3. Racket
    4. Clojure
    5. Hylang
    6. Emacs Lisp – elisp
    7. WASM – WebAssembly

  7. 7.

    S-expression v.s. M-expression
    ● (fn x y)
    ● (+ a b)
    ● fn(a, b)
    ● sort(colloection)

  8. 8.

    ● Beating the average (超越平庸)

  9. 9.

    Test-driven development
    ● Edit test file
    ● Edit code file
    ● Run the program

  10. 10.

    Areas of improvement
    1. Can we get immediate feedback?
    2. Can we write and test incrementally?
    3. Can we test even smallest unit? For example,
    single expression or statement?

  11. 11.

    Editor which can judge the
    boundry of s-expression.
    REPL-driven development
    Write test argument in Editor
    Write source code in Editor
    Clojure REPL
    Send source/test to
    Get result back

  12. 12.

    ● Example Editor Command: cqp
    ● Evaluate at the prompt

  13. 13.

    Execution time measurement by cqp

  14. 14.

    ● Example Editor Command: cpp
    ● Evaluate the current expression

  15. )

    ● Example Editor Command: > )

  16. Evalute at…”>

    Editor integration and semantic editing
    ● cqp => Evalute at the prompt
    ● cpp => Evaluate the current expression
    ● :Require => reload the whole file
    ● [ d => jump to definition
    ● > ) => slurp
    ● < ) => barf
    ● cseb => surround the current element with parentheses
    ● dsf => delete surrounding parentheses

  17. 17.

    Demo Time

  18. 18.

    Q & A
    ● How much productivity improvement will you have from
    REPL-driven development? at least 30%
    ● Can REPL-driven programming be used in other
    programming languages? Yes, but …
    ● Can macro (meta-programming) be used in other
    programming languages? Yes, but …

  19. 19.

    Part Two
    ● Immutable data structures
    ● Composable functions

  20. 20.

    You need `_.cloneDeep()` at javascript
    var a = [1, 2, 3]
    a.flatMap(z => [z, z+3]) => return value is [1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6]
    var b = [{x: 1}, {x: 2}, {x: 3}]
    var c = b.flatMap(z => [z, z[“x”]]) => c is [{x: 1}, 1, {x: 2}, 2, {x: 3}, 3]
    c[0][“x”] = 6; => b is [{x: 6}, {x: 2}, {x: 3}]

  21. 21.

    Functional programming dilemma
    ● Passing data by value
    ○ Guarantee that any changes will only affect local scope.
    ○ Extremely inefficient
    ● Passing data by reference
    ○ Save memory/Fast
    ○ Code is more difficult to reason about
    ○ Not safe at multi-thread environment

  22. 22.

    Clojure immutable data structure: copy on write

  23. …”>

    There is no `cloneDeep` in Clojure
    ● Garbage collection => obsoletes `delete` (Manually track
    memory allocation/deallocation)
    ● Immutable data structure => obsoletes `cloneDeep`
    (Manually manage data references)

  24. 24.

    Function composability in JavaScript is not good
    Functions defined on
    Functions defined on Array

  25. 25.

    R.map / R.mapObjIndexed

  26. Sequence <-> Transformation library

    Collection <-> Sequence <-> Transformation library
    map, filter, reduce,
    first, rest, mapcat,
    apply, take, drop,

    Lazy sequences,
    Lines in a flie,
    Files in a directory,

  27. 27.

    map/ into

  28. 28.

    Q & A
    ● How much productivity improvement will you have from
    immutable data structures and composable functions?
    at least 30%
    ● Can immutable data structures and composable functions
    be used in browser? Yes, ClojureScript

  29. 29.

    Part Three
    ● Immutable database – Datomic

  30. 30.

    database queries
    Excel filesdaily ETL
    I want to know the
    revene data today.

  31. 31.

    temporal database queries
    Orders/ Orders
    Excel filesdaily ETL
    I want to know the
    revene data today.
    I want to know the revenue
    data last week.

  32. 32.

    Immutable database allows time traveling
    ● orders history table is the analogy of
    ● In Datomic, you only need orders table and
    `(as-of db t)`
    ● SQL:2011 also support temporal databases
    ● PostgreSQL has temporal_tables extensions

  33. 33.

    ● You can have better Test-driven development.
    ● You can forget _.cloneDeep().
    ● You can have better function composability.
    ● You can have immutable database.

  34. 34.

    ● Thank you
    ● Q & A

  35. 35.

    1. stackoverflow survey 2019
    2. xkcd.com/297 Lisp Cycles
    3. Dmitri Sotnikov — Clojure distilled
    4. Rich Hickey — “Clojure Concurrency” talk
    5. Juan-Manuel Gimeno — Functional programming in clojure

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