Home Virtual Reality Pika CDN

Pika CDN

by admin2 admin2
import {Component, render} from 'https://cdn.pika.dev/preact/v8';


The Pika CDN was built to serve the 60,000+ npm packages written in ES Module (ESM) syntax. This module syntax runs natively in the browser, so you can build for the web without a bundler.

With our CDN, package authors can distribute more modern, unminified packages without worrying about how to serve them directly. Instead, our nifty package-builder automatically resolves each package — and any legacy sub-dependencies — into a single, minified, ready-to-import JavaScript file.


68.93% of global users can run modern JavaScript (ES2019) without a single polyfill or Babel plugin. Unfortunately, sites need to compile their deployed code to support legacy browsers. This adds slow polyfills and transpiler bloat for everyone.

Stop penalizing your users. The Pika CDN optimizes packages to each individual user. Older browsers get the polyfills they need while modern browsers get modern, bloat-free code and faster overall load times.


Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)

The Pika CDN leverages your browser’s shared module cache for incredible performance. A package loaded on one site will be cached and reused for future visits to any CDN-powered site. This means fewer cold starts and faster load times as visitors arrive to your site with dependencies already loaded.

For example: Does your site use preact, vue, or lodash? All three packages have already been prefetched by this page, meaning each would now take 0ms to load on any Pika CDN-powered site.

The Pika CDN was designed for simplicity and stability. Packages are built ahead of time and served directly out of Amazon S3 and Google Storage. The CDN itself is just a fast, stateless proxy to these underlying resources. Simple, stable, boring… on purpose.

Pika CDN will always be free, but you can support the project with a Pro Membership donation on Patreon. Get early access to upcoming production-only features like:

  • Granular Semver Matching & Version Pinning
  • Private Registry Support
  • Access to our Private, Global CDN
  • Audit Logs & Customer Support

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