Home Business mellowcandle/bitwise


by admin2 admin2

Terminal based bitwise calculator in curses

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Bitwise is multi base interactive calculator supporting dynamic base convertion and bit manipulation.
It’s a handy tool for low level hackers, kernel developers and device drivers developers.

Some of the features include:

  • Interactive ncurses interface
  • Command line calculator supporting all bitwise operations.
  • Individual bit manipulator.
  • Bitwise operations such as NOT, OR, AND, XOR, and shifts.

IRC support

#bitwise @ irc.oftc.net



bitwise can be used both Interactively and in command line mode.

Command line calculator mode

In command line mode, bitwise will calculate the given expression and will output the result in all bases including binary representation.

bitwise detects the base by the preface of the input (0x/0X for hexadecimal, leading 0 for octal, b for binary, and the rest is decimal).


Simple base conversion


C style syntax Calculator


Interactive mode

bitwise starts in interactive mode if no command line parameters are passed or if the -i | –interactive flag is passed.
In this mode, you can input a number and manipulate it and see the other bases change dynamically.
It also allows changing individual bits in the binary.

Navigation in interactive mode

To move around use the arrow keys, or use vi key bindings : h j k l .
Leave the program by pressing q .

Binary specific movement

You can toggle a bit bit using the space key.
You can jump a byte forward using w and backwards one byte using b .

Bitwise operation in interactive mode

Setting the bit width:

Reducing or extending the bit width interactively is also very easy, just use:
! for 8bit, @ for 16Bit, $ for 32Bit and * for 64Bit.
When changing the bit width, the number is masked with the new width, so you might lost precision, use with care.


Press ~ to perform the NOT operator.

expression calculator in interactive mode

You can enter expression calculator mode by typing : (Just like in vim).

To exit the mode, just press ESC .

In this mode, you can type any expression you like to be evaluated.
The result will be printed in the history window and also printed in the binary and various bases on top.

operators and functions
  • All C operators are supported, additionaly, you can use the “$” symbol to refer to the last result.
  • refer to a specific bit by using the function BIT(x).
  • clear – to clear the history window.
  • q – to exit




sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ramon-fried/bitwise
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bitwise


If your distribution supports Snap just type:
sudo snap install bitwise


Your can use the AUR repository: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/bitwise/


No, wait. really ???

Building from source

Make sure you have ncurses package installed


sudo make install

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