Home Virtual Reality tilk/digitaljs


by admin2 admin2

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This project is a digital circuit simulator implemented in Javascript.
It is designed to simulate circuits synthesized by hardware design tools
like Yosys, and it has a companion project
yosys2digitaljs, which converts
Yosys output files to DigitalJS. It is also intended to be a teaching tool,
therefore readability and ease of inspection is one of top concerns for
the project.

You can try it out online. The web app is
a separate Github project.

You can use DigitalJS in your project by installing it from NPM:

Or you can use the Webpack bundle directly.

To simulate a circuit represented using the JSON input format (described later)
and display it on a div named #paper, you need to run the following
JS code (see running example):

// create the simulation object
const circuit = new digitaljs.Circuit(input_goes_here);
// display on #paper
const paper = circuit.displayOn($('#paper'));
// activate real-time simulation

Circuits are represented using JSON. The top-level object has three keys, devices,
connectors and subcircuits. Under devices is a list of all devices forming
the circuit, represented as an object, where keys are (unique and internal) device
names. Each device has a number of properties, which are represented by an object.
A mandatory property is celltype, which specifies the type of the device. Example

"dev1": {
    "celltype": "$and",
    "label": "AND1"

Under connectors is a list of connections between device ports, represented as an
array of objects with two keys, from and to. Both keys map to an object with two
keys, id and port; the first corresponds to a device name, and the second — to
a valid port name for the device. A connection must lead from an output port to
an input port, and the bitwidth of both ports must be equal. Example connection:

    "from": {
        "id": "dev1",
        "port": "out"
    "to": {
        "id": "dev2",
        "port": "in"

Under subcircuits is a list of subcircuit definitions, represented as an object,
where keys are unique subcircuit names. A subcircuit name can be used as
a device celltype; this instantiates the subcircuit. A subcircuit definition
follows the representation of whole circuits, with the exception that subcircuits
cannot (currently) define their own subcircuits. A subcircuit can include
$input and $output devices, these are mapped to ports on a subcircuit

Some ideas for further developing the simulator.

  • Display/editor for RAM/ROM contents.
  • Framebuffer element with character/bitmap display.
  • Simulation time control: changing the tick time, pausing the simulation.
  • Displaying waveforms for selected wires.
  • More editing capability: adding and removing blocks, modifying some of blocks’ properties.
  • Undo-redo capability.
  • Saving and loading circuits, including layout and state.
  • Generic handling of negation for unary/binary gates (negation on inputs/outputs) for better clarity.
  • Better algorithm for graph layout.
  • Zooming in/out on schematics.
  • SVG export.
  • Verilog export.
  • Smartphone and tablet compatible UI.

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