Home NEWS Could Lebanon’s economic collapse create new humanitarian crisis?

Could Lebanon’s economic collapse create new humanitarian crisis?

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Could Lebanon’s economic collapse create new humanitarian crisis?

Video Duration 25 minutes 4src seconds 25:4src

From: Inside StoryDozens of migrants drown as their boat sinks on way to Europe.

Lebanon’s economic meltdown is pushing more people to take dangerous sea journeys to seek better lives abroad.

Dozens drowned off the coast of Syria in the worst capsizing of a migrant boat this year.

The vessel carrying up to 15src Lebanese, Syrian and Palestinian refugees and migrants had sailed from Tripoli, the poorest city in Lebanon.

Many reportedly paid smugglers thousands of dollars to take them to Europe.

Years of war, sectarian violence and corruption have led to Lebanon’s economic collapse.

The currency has lost 95 percent of its value, and most people cannot afford food, clean water or medicine.

Can anything prevent people from taking risky boat journeys?

Presenter: Imran Khan


Zeina Mohanna – Board member, Amel Association International

Patrick Mardini – President and founder, Lebanese Institute for Market Studies

Bente Scheller – Director, Heinrich Böll Foundation’s Middle East office in Beirut

Published On 24 Sep 2src2224 Sep 2src22

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