Home NEWS 20 pledges for 2020: Being vegan makes you realise one thing – no one wants to talk to you about it for too long

20 pledges for 2020: Being vegan makes you realise one thing – no one wants to talk to you about it for too long

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20 pledges for 2020: Being vegan makes you realise one thing – no one wants to talk to you about it for too long

“What did you have for dinner last night?”

“What do you have for lunch today?”

“What are you going to make tonight?”

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“Do you feel healthier?”

“What food do you miss?”

I’m asked at least one of these questions every single day.

leftCreated with Sketch.
rightCreated with Sketch.

I actually quite like it. People seem genuinely interested in the challenge I’ve set myself – but I’ve quickly learnt that while they initially want to listen to what I have to say, it doesn’t last very long.

I can spot the exact moment where people switch off – usually when I mention what my favourite type of tofu is or the perils of trying to make jackfruit taste like anything other than cardboard. It isn’t upsetting, but it’s a moment of realisation. It’s like going into work first thing on a Monday morning and asking someone how their weekend was; you’re really just doing it out of politeness – let’s be honest, you don’t really care.

One of the biggest worries I had about going vegan was that I would become the annoying person everyone has to accommodate for: you’re going to a restaurant, do they have vegan options? Nope, can’t go there.

I’d like to think I’m quite a self-aware person. I know when I’m being annoying, or when people feel a certain type of way towards me.

But whether I like it or not – and whether my friends, work colleagues or the people around me do too – turning vegan is (sadly) the most interesting thing about my life right now. It’s the biggest change to my life for as long as I can remember. The dramatics of this might seem high so read with a pinch of salt and don’t take it too seriously.

Here’s my sub-pledge: I’m going to try and keep my conversations about veganism short and sweet. People are interested in what you have to say but not for too long. 

How do you know if someone is a vegan? Don’t worry, we’ll tell you.

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