Home Featured 15 People Who Were Such HUUUGE A-Holes That You’ll Feel Better About Yourself

15 People Who Were Such HUUUGE A-Holes That You’ll Feel Better About Yourself

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15 People Who Were Such HUUUGE A-Holes That You’ll Feel Better About Yourself

The Am I The Asshole? subreddit is a place where people post conflicts they’ve been in, and users can vote on whether they were “the asshole” — i.e. if they were in the wrong or not. And sometimes? HOO BOY, sometimes they were HUGE assholes!


Here are 15 times people were DEFINITELY “the asshole”:


The 31-year-old who tried to hit on a group of teenage girls, and when they told him to leave them alone, argued with them about it:

u/Throweotro / Via snew.notabug.io

Excellent response: “You’re an asshole for being creepy, not taking a hint, and arguing about it to women who asked you to leave. You’re upset about being called a predator but don’t seem to care that your inappropriate behavior made a group of women in public feel uncomfortable.” —wickednix


The person who questioned the paternity of a friend’s triplets (because ONE triplet was slightly darker than the others!). When the friend got mad, the asshole then told the father to get a paternity test!

u/PaternityQuestion9 / Via reddit.com

Excellent response: “Dude. Genetics. One of his parents likely has a darker skin tone, and that came through in the grandchild. Not uncommon, super normal. You are a FLAMING asshole for this.” —Bryleigh98


And lastly, the person who refused to take his girlfriend out for dinner, because he wanted her to cook for him every night instead — even when she told him she wanted a break.

u/GirlfriendRestaurant / Via reddit.com

He later updated his post to reveal that he took her out for dinner once and proposed, which she turned down because there was too much of an imbalance in their relationship. In a second update, he revealed that they were splitting up because he STILL WASN’T TAKING HER OUT TO DINNER — and, in fact, had just begun complaining that she made casserole too often.

Excellent response: “It boggles my mind how you went through that whole fight, people told you you were being an ass, you seemed to realize how one-sided the relationship was, and you still let her cook. She rejected a marriage proposal and suggested counseling, for fuck’s sake. And it never occurred to you that maybe she’s cooking casserole because you hadn’t changed one bit and she was doing less to prove a point?” —brwonmagikk

Note: responses have been edited for length, grammar, and/or clarify.

H/T to the r/AmITheAsshole subreddit!

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